Sunday, September 27, 2009

my flight was canceled for the first time in my life

it was a new experience for me..i supposed to come back to sepang yesterday as my flight was at 10.45pm last nite.i was at langkawi airport at 9.30 and ready for check in.when i reached at the counter,they told me that my flight was delayed until 11.25.ok tarak hal la..g pon klas isnin..then i checked in.suddenly there was an flight was delayed again until 12.05 am. adusss....sabar je la eh..dh la ngan kuih raya satu beg mak aku suruh bwk blk sbb byk sgt kat umah..then tunggu punye tunggu smpai la kol 1..flight x smpai they announced that my flight was canceled. as apologize they will provide us the hotel..but why must hotel??baik blk umah je..jam dh kol 2..nk arrange flight esok ari lak ngan passengers queue nk amek luggage lg la..aduss.. last skali dh penat bertelagah dpt gak tiket keesokan arinya(arini)..tiket plg awal was at 1145am.huh??adoiii..xpe la.amek jela..better ade dri x de lagsong..huhu..penat2..itula pengalaman beraya dgn AIRASIA... the world best low-cost airline

1 comment:

  1. salam Mahfuz..are u already in Sepang??welcome more holidays ekh..=P..gimme a buzz when u r on!
