Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the reason why pork is HARAM

listen clearly..it is not mention in Al Quran only about the pork but bible also second the fact

happy besday pen

433123 op muhammad effendi bin zainal (01-14)e coy

selamat menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran yg ke 22.semoga anda dimurahkn rezeki.
satu lagi ucapan istimewa dari saya..ALL THE BEST!! haha..lu ckp byk x gune..zaman pak lah ngan zaman najib dh byk berbeza la pen..islam hadhari ngan satu malaysia byk perbezaan..ko x bley samakn ngan time kite main PES dulu ngan PES yg akan dtg..kalo dulu bley la ko claim ko mng ngan aku 10-0..time tu aku bru knl pe tu playstation..tp kalo skrg dh zmn najib tp ko still claim bende sme..xde gune nye..haha..GUD LUCK EH..haha

Monday, July 27, 2009

bulan ramadhan kian menghampiri kita..
kepada rakan2 yg beragama islam marilah kita sama2 menunaikan rukun islam yg ke 3 ni.
semoga syawal yg bkl menjelang nant disambut dgn keberkatan ilahi sbb kite pose abes..
kepada yg x sempat ganti poser,atau yg kne ganti 2 bulan berturut2(special case),
jgn lupe ganti yerk..especially JOE(zulhilmi abu bakar)!!haha..
lu ingat lu bley terlepas..
then kepada yg dh keje tu jgn lupe duit raya wat mereka yg still study..
hehe..selamat berpuasa penuh tahun ni!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

a happy,enjoyed weekend

yesterday i went for rugby match at pj.the game was started at 9.40am.a night before i slept at 5.30 and woke up at 7.40am.i was rushing coz the journey may take about 5o minutes.we had 2 match that day and i did 1 try during first match as we won 2-2(first trier declared as the winner.the 2 match also we hav to face the same team coz another team did not come and i made 2 tries but we lost 4-2.after the match i sms fifi.(dgn ayat kesian)..
me:fi,tumpang rest umah u bley x?penat la..
but fifi replied mcm nk xnk je..hoho..aku phm g pon die pon dh tunang kan..x manis la..sje je nk kaco..
fifi:ala..u mandi jela kat pdg tu..pastu u tunggu i kat lrt wangsa maju then i abes keje i'll pick u up.
me:ala fi..mne de sabun kat sini..towel pon xde..xpe la..i mand jela..

and i took a bath and after finished it i rushed to her house coz i dunno how to go to lrt wangsa maju.but i juz know how to go to fifi's house eventhough her house and lrt wangsa maju is about a few kilometers.

when i met fifi,we went to hartamas with kak ema(her fren).we went to a butique(they want to buy their stuff).then we went for dinner at...(i forgot the name of that kedai mkn).fifi reccommend me to eat nasi goreng sweet n sour.she also buy me shisha..wahaha..thanx fi..that nite we dunno where to go coz i have game tomorrow morning.

we went to menara tinjau(i dunno where is the actual location).the view is so superb!!!i'll give 11 marks out of 10.perghh....best weyh..but we have to climb up go up there..agak penat la jugak..

we sent kak ema to her house( i dont know whats the time coz i slept all the way after visiting menara tinjau).when i woke up,we r at restoran pelita(located in front of klcc).i was so blur that time..standard r br bgn tdo.suddenly i met ode paweng and badut.wahaha..my best fren from rmc.that nite i went to paweng's house.

then i went to paweng house..main urut2 lak ngan badut..timing sorg 10 minit..perghh.. sedap siot badut urut..superb!! siap tunjuk cene die g urut kat OU ngan org siam tu..abes badan aku die pth2kn..hrmm..and i slept at 7,woke up at 8.

game arini..quarter final..we won 2-1.x dpt try lak aku..huhu..semi klh 3-1 ngan team ape nme ntah..aku x dpt main full time sbb injury aku x elok g..letih woo...ni bru sampai umah.. nk rest jap sbb x cukop tdo..qada blk..hehe..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

come n join us.bring along ur family n frens

influenza A H1N1 melanda rmc??

KUALA LUMPUR 21 Julai - Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) dan Maktab Tentera Diraja (MTD) di sini ditutup serta-merta selama seminggu mulai hari ini apabila 60 pelajarnya dikesan positif virus selesema babi, H1N1.

Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Dr. Abdul Latiff Ahmad ketika mengesahkan perkara itu berkata, semua pelajar yang dikesan positif itu telah diarahkan menjalani kuarantin rumah.

"Saya mengesahkan bahawa terdapat 60 pelajar yang dikesan positif H1N1 pada hari ini.

"Mereka kini diarahkan menjalani kuarantin rumah. Sehubungan itu UPNM serta MTD ditutup selama seminggu,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Tambah beliau, penutupan selama seminggu itu wajar tetapi menjelaskan tempoh tersebut bergantung kepada arahan Kementerian Kesihatan sebelum sesi pembelajaran boleh dimulakan semula.

Abdul Latiff dalam pada itu menegaskan, semua mangsa kini berada dalam keadaan stabil selepas mendapat rawatan awal.

Kepada soalan bagaimana virus itu boleh menular ke UPNM dan MTD, Abdul Latiff menjelaskan, siasatan awal mendapati ia virus import.

"Kami dimaklumkan seorang pensyarah UPNM telah melawat Melbourne, Australia sebelum dia disahkan positif H1N1,'' jelasnya.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menjelaskan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) telah meningkatkan kawalan keluar masuk ke kawasan itu.

Menurutnya, orang ramai tidak perlu bimbang kerana semua langkah pencegahan dan Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) telah diambil.

Penutupan UPNM itu menjadikan ia institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) kedua yang ditutup akibat H1N1 selepas Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Lendu, Alor Gajah, Melaka.

UiTM Lendu ditutup selama sembilan hari selepas empat penuntutnya positif H1N1 pada 12 Julai lalu.

source:UTUSAN MELAYU,22 JULAI 2009


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

stop playing or still play??

nk tros main ke nk stop ni?aduss..fening2..
sem lepas aku plan nk stop main ragbi ngan miat.tp makin aku xnk main,makin kuat lak perasaan aku ajak main..ntah la..kesihatan aku ni x ngizinkan lg aku main tp aku nk gak main.. bdk2 lain pon support suruh aku main tp aku rse cam mls nk main..sem ni lak tournament x byk so ade la chance aku nk rest sket..maybe dlm bln 10 ni akan ade MIAT OPEN rugby..so sbg tuan rumah team ni kne la antar yg ade kualiti..nk main ke xnk eh..bile injured ceni nk main pon dh psyko. cuak pon ade gak even sket.nk akif sgt pon x bley..pe yg harus aku wat nih??ade cadangan?ke nk kne g operate lutut?terlintas gak dlm fikiran aku nk wat camtu..tp tgk la dulu cene..busy and kureng ade mse la.huhu

new semester is juz started

aduss..otak gua blom btol2 set nk blajar g nih..sebulan stop,x blajar pape..sentuh buku apetah lg..dlm sebulan langsung x ingat psl aircraft..hoho..this semester i hav 7 subjects all together.4 days straight.mon-thu..hrmm..tp dlm 4 ari ni ari isnin la yg plg pack kot..skt gak la ceni..dh la ari pembukaan bg setiap minggu..subjek yg plg lme sem ni..turbine 1.dh la start kol 11-1 then sambung lak kol 2-6..ni x bley jadi ni..kalo x expert g xtau la..rilex2(juz nk inform kalo 1st week ni mmg aku xbley nk study g..lmbat warm up.)hoho..ssh lak nk tdo arini..esok ade subjek mechanics ngan landing gear.aduss..lambt dtg kne dok luar klas..kwn2..esok kejut eh..nk tdo dh ni..nyte

-sportmen prayer-

"Oh God, please help me to win for I always want to win. But if in thy inscrutable wisdom thou willest me not to win, then make me a good loser. For when the great scorer comes to write against your name, he writes, not that you won or lost, but how you played the game."

you can see these words written on a rock located at the field side in RMC.the purpose is to boost up the athletics spirit among RMC students.you can go and see it urself.the rock is remains there and never be removed..

Friday, July 17, 2009

sekitar unikl games yg lepas di lumut perak..byk g gambar tp mls nk upload laa

EPL will be starting in juz a few weeks more

as mention above,
those who has created an account in fantasy football,all of u r invited to join my head to head league.the participation is unlimited,meaning that everybody is hugely welcomed.please tell ur frens,ur frens of frens,ur frens of frens of frens and so on.u r much appreciated if u r able to invite the whole world(EPL fans)..hehe=).last season i won the league that i created(MIAT masterleague) and also joined league(liga neraka).the margin was so big, more than 200 points..wohoo..what a big won!!and for this season i dont think that i can repeat my 'greatest season' again..since wolve and burnley juz qualified to english premiere league this season and the moves of the players(bought and sold also included)

so if u think that u can beat me this season..copy this code and paste it..
and for those who still didnt create any team yet,u can do so at http://fantasy.premierleague.com
explore it urself.
for classics league(MIAT masterleague),the code is 219417-56476..

Monday, July 13, 2009

my ym account has been hacked by someone!!

S***!!!tu perkataan yg sesuai..ntah sape2 ngan yg hack ym aku..ingat x kantoi??dh smpai msj kat fon aku yg aku signed out..pe cer??ingat aku ni bdk2 ke??tau la password aku paling senang kat dunia ni..tp xpe..tu aku setelkn kemudian..huhu..btw i'm flying back tomorrow..as planned,fathi will pick me up at lcct..nant aku kasi la upah sket..hoho..16 ni dh register for new sem..aduss...study blk...x puas g ni..huhu..
dulu sem satu aku slalu sound bdk2 especially irsyad.."parents ko antar sini soh blajar..bkn nye main.."..baik nye sound org..padahal aku ni mainje keje..ntah cene la result sem lps..cuak ni..doakan semoga aku lulus..hehe..amin

Thursday, July 9, 2009

counting down on july 15th

anis will be coming back to malaysia but unfortunately i have no chance to see her.she might be arrived in the morning at KLIA for transit and will fly back to KB hours after that.she called me yesterday nite and ask me not to wait for her..hrmm..penat gua tunggu..haha..nvm..next time bley g..gud luck k..

16hb ni dh start register utk new semester.i heard there will be AERO carnival at miat a week after that if i'm mistaken.ntah pe la aktiviti yg diorg akan wat kat sana nant..hopefully it will be fun..everybody is invited..plz come.. =)

Monday, July 6, 2009

cuti dh nk abes dh..

sedar x sedar dh nk masok sem 5 dh aku kat miat..kejap gile rase..x puas lak..hoho..ni dh july.tgh bln ni aku dh nk register sem baru dh..ingat bln 7 ni aku teringat lak kat anis..die ckp nk blk mesia bln 7 ni..tp x tau la bile..gile kerek xnk gtau org..hoho..popeye x mrh la anis oii..hoho..setiap kali nk masok sem ade je resolution aku..bese la nk bg smgt sket..idop kne maju kedepan even selangkah pon..tp mcm bese la..resolution tu x semestinya 100% completed..btol x?ade je halangan..hrmm...ni tgh pk ni plan utk sem dpm...pk2..hrmmmmmmm