Tuesday, June 30, 2009

my life is almost empty

today,i almost lost a friend that i respect most by telling her the whole true story bout me. sory fi..i hav to so..i dont want to keep lying on u.dulu dan skrg jauh berbeza.skrg dh tunang org so kite mayb x mcm dulu lg.thanx for keep contact me.x sanggup lak nk tipu u lame2 thats y i cite kat u the whole story even benda tu sakit sgt wat u.i dont blame u bcoz it is my problem.i created it myself.sory slame i byk beban kan u ngan mslh i.u pon ade gak mslh tp u still nk i share ngan u.i byk wat u sedih dari dulu sampai la arini.mayb next time i xkn luahkn kat u lagi da..sedih,pilu sume tu i rase..skrg ni sumpahan u benar2 jadi fi..sumpahan u 2 3 taun lepas baru skrg jd kat i.nyesal pon dh x guna.thanx 4 taking care of me.u teach me a lot!!i respect u very2 much..i'll take care of myself....

Monday, June 29, 2009

sorry for so long silent

hrmm..tgh cuti ni..kat lkawi..br abes unikl games je..sun burn pon x abes g ni..penat tu jgn ckp la..asyik nk tdo je keje..hoho..nk cite psl unikl games tu byk sgt..kang letih lak nk type..aku lak bkn nye org yg rajin type karangan nih..hrmm.. pe nk cite eh..ok la aku cite yg mne aku bley cite la..

basically it was fun.bdk2 ragbi miat dh la sekor2 pemalas trening..kire g sne nk hav fun je..trening pon ala kadar je.. xmcm team lain cam micet,bmi,mimet...tp yg aku plg psycho skali team mimet la..tuan rumah la sng cite..pg ptg trening..perghh..power gak eh..kitorg siap kne maki2 lagi ngan lecturer sbb die kata kitorg ni bajet star..bkn nye star..tp dh masing2 pemalas nk wat cene..asyik bdk blk aku je turun blok dulu..aku ingat g time syed fazly ngamok pg tu..supposely kitorg g trening kat telok batik kol 8 tp kol 10 pom still x gerak2 g..

s.fazly:korg nk ape sumer aku bg..kalo korg klh nanti pe korg nk bg aku??

terdiam sekor2...hahah

s.fazly:ha ko kapten..name je skolah rmc..tp prangai...
s.fazly:ye r..ko la..xkan BAPAK ko lak??

agak panas la aku time tu..tp aku tunduk je r..kang x pasal2 cancel game kitorg..
aku pon x bajet team ni bley g jauh..usaha jela..

first match lwn mfi.we drew 10-10
2nd match lwn msi.we won 35-5
semifinal lwn bmi.we won 7-0
FINAL lwn tuan rumah(MIMET) we lost 14-7..tu pon last minit try..penyokong diorg bapak ramai..dah la combined ngan bmi..bmi nk miat klh sbb diorg nk jd johan keseluruhan.
bilangan emas dh sme ngan bmi.perak bmi ade 2.kitorg juz lebih pingat gangsa je.so kitorg klh-satu2 nya perak yg miat dpt.overall diorg mng..sedih pon ade bangga pon ade sbb aku dpt main full time waktu final..1st match lutut aku jam.then kne rest yg 2nd game tu..huhu..taun dpn bmi lak jd tuan umah..arghhh!!

tu je la kot yg basic aku bley cite..overall..SATISFIED..

Sunday, June 21, 2009

new face..current reader the comeback

here i present my new face blog..hrmm..penat explore..nak tanye kak mazaya tp msj pon x reply g psl template tu..tp xpe..usaha tangga kejayaan..bg newbie cam aku ni mmg ssh la..dh la seni tu xde lgsung..btw..tomorrow i'm leaving for bout one week perhaps.then i'll go home...langkawi!!here i am..rindu lak kat l'kawi..nk jumpe anak buah aku yg comel2 tu..rase nk pijak pon ade..haha...xpe2..tunggu la korg besar sket.kalo unikl games abes 27hb,maknenye aku kne grk dr kl 28 la..kalo mengikut perancangan,aku kne g ipoh amek kete abg aku ngan akak ipar aku..sbb abg ngan anak2 die dh kat l'kwi dh..hrmm..takot x sempat feri la plak..feri dh la siang je ade..nk book tu satu hal lagi..kang tiket abes dh jd dua keje..xpe2..backup plan masih ade..fokus utk unikl games dulu...kwn2!!doakan kemenangan eh..mayb ni la last aku main unkl games ni..pasni nk retired r main utk miat..fedap pon ade boring pon ade..baik cari kelab lain r..byk sket exposure.. ni main ngan miat minda tertutup je..asyik kne kutuk otak sempit je smpai aku pon tekanan..kambing tol..xpe2..take it is a challenge..

btol ke x ni??

kempen derma dadah??bley tahan gak mesia ni eh..kat france pon xde mende ni..hrmm.. pe lgi la yg diorg nk derma tu kan..sungguh pemurah rakyat mesia..aku bangga selaku anak malaysia..malaysia BOLEH!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

tiredness + lazyness

kambing tol bdk2 ragbi ni..janji x penah nk btol.dh set start trening kol 8 pg.tp dh 3 ari dh aku g diorg still terbongkang atas katil..siot tol..dh la diorg dok ramai2 kat hostel..aku yg dok luar ni pon bley punctual..nk mrh x bley..kang majok lak.aku pon dh naik mls dh trening kalo camni..dh la meletihkn..tambah lak kalo bdk2 mls camni..lg la..nk kne tunggu sir syed rush bilik pg2 pastu jerit2 br la nk terhegeh2 nk bgn..kambing r..aku lak jd baroa nk cover diorg..xpe2..esok turn aku lak nk g lwt..huhu

Monday, June 15, 2009

tiring week!!

pg trening..ptg trening..fitness -100..lutut still x bley pakai..ni psl smlm r g main alumni league kat uitm shah alam..joey ajak main ngan OPA..game kol 4..seth tunggu kat mcd shah alam kol 2..hrmm..smgt tol aku nk main ni..tp syg..baru 10 minit main lutut aku wat hal..hrmm..dlm kepala otak aku,tgh pikir cene la aku nk main unikl games next week ni kalo injured..kuar pdg tuam lutut ngan ais..then masok blk..tp seriously aku out of performance..x confident gile ble tgh injured ni.malas pon ade..2nd manager suruh kuar sbb die kata aku x bley nk lari..so termenung la aku kat luar tu..abes game g lepak ngan ode n seth kat hakim.(x penah g pon tempat tu sebelom ni)..lyn je la sbb ode open table..thanx ode..ko la member yg aku syg..haha(kasi r point lebih sket)..hrmm.. mlm tu lepak kondo pawen.mandi kolam mlm2..mcm bdk2 pon ade time tu..tp aku byk gak r diam time tu..ye r..asyik2 borak psl bisnes..projek berjuta2 lak tu..nk bkk branch sne sini la..bgs btol la ko pawen..br 22 tahun dh advance gile dh..tp aku pon agak segan r..die maju atas usaha sendiri,aku lak x maju2 g..adusss....gud luck r pawen..aku doakan ko bkk branch byk2 sket..bley join venture..haha.mlm tu tdo umah seth.aku ajak hadi skali sbb xde geng..sampai je umah ade lak game baru kat umah seth tu..adoiii..x jd la nk tdo..hadi yg ade exam esok tu pon lyn skali..tp yg slalu klh tu aku r..kambing tol..dh la esok tu aku ade trening kat miat..kol 8 pg..penat2..

p/s:sory kepada kwn2 yg ym ngan msj aku tu..sory byk2 sbb x terlayan..letih sgt..ni dh start sunburn dh.esok lusa itam berkilat la aku..

Saturday, June 13, 2009

sleeping day...

today is my sleeping day..i was sleeping all day long..nobody home..everybody went home for semester break but i have to stay here coz for raugby training-preparation for unikl games (22-27 june).slept late last nite watching jgn tegur with jun,bro,acapan,acap astro and pian.i slept at 5 and woke up at 1.went down to kitchen for breakfast.after finished my breakfast,went back to my room,laid on bed to watch movies in my lappy..but unfortunatelt i fell assleep again n now i already woke up.juz take my bath..hoho..my moning bath was at 5pm.ngee..bile lg kan??nikmat dunia...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

takziah buat allahyarham adik pg

sewaktu segelintir warga miat sdg bergelut utk menghadapi final exam di mph,masih ada yg berduka..theory of flight control-1630h..sblom masok ke dwn pg mendapat panggilan dari sepupu die mengkhabarkn berita sedih di mana adik beliau telah meninggalkn kita buat selama lamanya..sudah pastinya ia memberi impak yg besar kepada beliau sbb x sempat masok dwn lg,beliau telah dikejutkn dgn berita sedih ini..bykkn bersabar pg..yg dtg tentu akan kembali..semoga allah mencucuri rahmat kepada allahyarham.. al faatihah

Sunday, June 7, 2009

pagi yg indah..

hoho..for the first time in my life,aku kejut kn kak mazaya smyg subuh..(hoho..dulu die yg slalu kejut aku..)tp malang nye die dh bgn..huhu..patut la msj aku slame ni x reply..rupenye die xde kredit..adoii haii..nk blaja wat template cene??dh la online pon jrg..nk kne jentik idong dh ni..g genting elok2 eh..nant sy g umah akak jgn lupe wat eskrem goreng..pastu msk spageti sdp2..kite lwn sape msk spageti lg sdp nk??haha..sape klh jentik idong..ade bran x?bile tu x sure g la..hoho.. tunggu je r akak keje nant..dpt je firdst pay,sy dh brator dpn umah..wakaka

Friday, June 5, 2009

nothing much to worry

i am focusing on my exams.i had finished my aircraft structure paper that i was not really satisfied. hrmm.. i tought the paper would be in the evening..but unfortunately it was in the morning.shit! lucky for coz i studied a little bit..huhu.. another 5 more papers will be coming up next week.. hydraulics and piston on monday..so i need to study much more harder..learn from mistake.. cheers dude.. gud luck!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

my life turns crazy for a while

i dont know how to describe my feeling rite now.given chance to drive my life properly but i misused it.now i live in trouble that i created it myself.haisshh...now i start to think bout the future.for what reason i am being here and why i cant be the "man"..for the short term life i have gone through it and i feel it..i enjoyed it.but it is juz for a moment.now its shock me for a while and i cannot stop thinking bout it.it is a very horror nightmare..hunting me all night long.where should i be after this?where is my route?i'm struggling for a long-term-happy-ending life..is it affordable?or it is juz dream.i'm trying not to be my-real-self.I'M ALONE!!! ..i am an independent man!! put it in my head!!i'm opening my eyes widely to see what is happening outside there.and of course there is lots of obstacles!!challenges!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

dlm usaha mencari keredhaan ilahi

pertama skali,saya ingin memohon jutaan kemaafan kepada mak abah kat kampung,kwn2 yg aku syg dan yg aku knl..termasuk gk yg knl aku tp aku x bpe knl diorg.x lupa juga nk ucapkan jutaan terima kasih di atas segala susah payah,rezeki dan segala jasa anda semua selama aku hidop di dunia ni selama 22 tahun 20 hari.ntah la..xtau cene nk mula kn..sedih,takot sumer tgh campor aduk ni..pikir kn dosa2 yg aku wat x setimpal ngan amalan yg aku lakukan.kdg2 terpikir gak psl mati..smpai bile la aku mampu bertahan utk idop.enjoy2 smpai x pk lak kubur.kalo aku insaf pon,kejap sgt..pastu setan muncul balik..
buat insan yg saya sayangi kat dunia ni..maaf sbb saya x ingat org yg tersayang selama ni.sujud mintak ampun memohon keampunan.harap2 dosa saya diampunkn.

Ya Allah..
ampunilah dosa2 aku,
dosa kedua ibu bapa ku,
dosa guru2 ku,serta muslimin dan muslimat di dunia ni,
yg masih hidup atau yg sudah meninggal dunia..

kuatkan la iman ku..
agar aku tidak lagi mengulangi dosa2 ku..
kuatkanlah iman ku..
agar aku dpt melupakan segala kejahatan yg lalu..
kuatkn lah iman aku..
agar aku tergolong dlm hamba mu yg soleh..
kuatknlah iman aku..
agar aku dpt berbakti dan menjadi insan yg berguna kepada masyarakat..

entry ni bkn saya saja2 create..
ada maksud disebalik maksud..
terpulang kepada pembaca sekalian nk menilai and nk komen cene..
tp kalo korg x ske xpyh nk bce k..